Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last weekend in January 2010

Well, I have decided that God has an odd sense of humour. Not only was this supposed to be my bday weekend but I had so many fun things planned. Well God didn't give me a migraine but he did give me the HORRIBLE stomach virus that has been going around. I am just starting to feel better today and I was unable to attend any of the things I wanted to. Maybe it is because earlier last week I said "No matter how bad of a migraine I have on this weekend I AM having FUN!!" I guess God didn't want me to because with this stomach virus there was NO WAY I was able to leave the bathroom let alone the house. So it is Tuesday and dare I say that I have no more stomach virus. I hope the rest of the week goes well.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Difficult week

This has been a very difficult week for me migraine wise. The weather has been on the most part wet without really snowing or raining and the barometric pressure has been sitting at or below 100kPa. What does this mean to me is constant migraine, with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I have been taking my medication without success so I have held back from taking it because I don't want a rebound headache. Today I am feeling a little better I was able to eat breakfast this morning without being sick. I have basically just kept icing my head and lying in bed. I have plans for this weekend so I am hoping for the best.